
Friday, February 11, 2011

Use CadenceTV all year


As many of you know, CadenceTV has taken indoor training to another level by providing a program that is easy to use and affordable. With over 100 workouts and more coming each week you can train all year without the boring repetition that comes with workout DVDs. In the coming weeks, Cadence is going to show you why CTV is useful all year long and why it isn't too late to sign up today.

The coaches at Cadence have been hard at work creating and perfecting new and inspiring workouts for you to use at home. Now, we are ready to branch out. In the coming weeks and months CTV will be adding more variety, including core, strength training and flexibility exercises to make you a well-balanced athlete.

With all these new, great features, CTV is a bargain at $99 for the year ($49 for our coached athletes)! Sign up today at

Stay Tuned...

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