People talk endlessly about frames. They talk about aero wheels, bottom bracket
rigidity, carbon lay-ups, internal cables, external cables, sealed
pseudo-half-internal cables, and how many seconds they all will save you if you
can average 50kph over a 40km ITT. I get
asked which bike is the lightest, which gloves grip the tightest, which
bearings spin the fastest, and which bar tape is most aerodynamic. I take the utmost care in answering these
questions because they matter. There is
a difference to be made and an advantage to be gained through them. But when you get down to where the rubber
meets the road, most people overlook just that: where the rubber meets the
Tires and tire pressure are crucial to dialing the way your
bike handles, rides, and responds on the road—or dirt for that matter. These two factors are inextricably related
and it is a mistake to consider one without thinking about how it will affect
the other. Often issues of rubber on a
bicycle are shrouded in confusion, misinformation, and outdated theories about
what is best.
I will now commence the unshrouding.
It is my personal belief that all bicycle tires should be
like your childhood dreams: they should be big.
They should be as big as your frame will allow—which for most common
road bikes is 25-28c size tire. At
minimum, they should be 23c or larger.
If, for some reason, you have a tire on your road bike that is smaller
than a 23c size (yes you should measure it, the labels are often dishonest), I
beseech you to immediately rip them from your wheels and damn them to a musty
closet, or the darkest corner of your basement.
On the other hand, you could also just replace them with a larger size
when they are worn or need replacing—whichever suits your druthers.
My Michelins are labeled as 25c, but you can see they don't quite measure that way. I LOVE the ride of these tires. |
But in a more serious sense, bigger tires can make a big
difference on any bike. The old adage
that narrower tires mean less rolling resistance has been debunked. To be honest, it was probably never bunked to
begin with. This theory falls guilty of
considering tire size independently of tire pressure, which, as I said before,
is a dangerous thing to do. In a sense,
it is simultaneously right and wrong, if that is possible.
All rolling resistance is caused by the deformation of the
tire as it meets the road. In a perfect
world, where all the roads were paved with perfectly polished concrete, any
reduction in that deformation would theoretically decrease your rolling
resistance—meaning that a narrow, highly inflated tire would roll the
fastest. In our very imperfect world,
however, an over inflated, overly narrow tire does a poor job of absorbing all
the imperfections of the road. It
actually rolls slower than a properly inflated wider tire.
This article provides a great diagram
of why this is true. The amount of
deflection for a wide tire is less in relationship to its total volume. This allows the tire to better absorb the
imperfections of the road.
There are other issues, like a tires flexibility (TPI), the
type of inner tube used, and weight that can all affect the speed with which a
tire rolls. In an effort to avoid a
endless harangue, however, I will limit this post to size and…
Pressure. It’s what
makes bicycles go. Can you imagine
riding a bike with tires of solid rubber?
It’s preposterous. The advent of
pneumatic tires changed everything. I am
not exaggerating when I say that tire pressure is one of the most important
factors in cycling. Seriously.
The key to understanding proper tire pressure is recognizing
the fact that pressure is directly linked to, and affected by the volume of
your tires. Larger tires should—nay,
must be run at lower pressures. It’s
physics and not debatable. Sheldon Brown,
who forgot more about bikes in his lifetime than I will ever know, does a
really eloquent job of illustrating a great example of why this must be. You can read his writings on the subject
here, and I would encourage you to explore the rest of his site as well. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience
there that is unrivaled. If you’re not
in the mood for extracurricular reading, though, I will do my best to give a brief
synopsis of his ideas.
Tire pressure is measured in PSI or pounds per square
inch. Europeans (and some Canadians) use
a metric called Bars, but you needn’t worry about that. The main point here is that pressure is
measured as a force distributed over a defined space. In our case, this is pounds over inches. In light of this, it is easy to see how
closely related the volume of your tire is to the pressure you should run. For example, (this is lifted directly from
Sheldon Brown) if you have a tire that is one inch wide and you inflate it to
100psi, there is 50lbs of load on each bead of the tire. If you double the volume of the tire to two
inches and still inflate the tire to 100psi, there is now 100lbs of load on
each bead. The tire that is twice as large
should be run at half the pressure.
Simple, right?
So what does all this mean for you? Well it has the
potential to change the way you feel on the bike drastically. I would venture to say that most cyclists—somewhere
in the neighborhood of 85 to 90% or so—overinflate their tires, regardless of
the size. It’s common practice to pump
tires up to the maximum pressure listed on the side of the tire. The funny thing about the pressure that is
printed on the side of your tire is that it is probably determined more by
people in the marketing and legal department than in the technical department. The real truth of the matter is that tire
pressure is best determined on a case by case basis. Issues like rider weight, riding conditions, tire volume, and the personal
preferences of the rider all need to be accounted for. Because the front tire bears far less of the
rider weight, it should also be run at a lower pressure (about 10% lower in my
personal practice).
If you were to drive (or ride) to Cadence right now, and put
some fat 25c tires on your bike and get them inflated to the correct pressure (consult Jamie or I
about what pressure is best for you), I will guarantee you will notice a difference. When done correctly, running fat tires will
reduce pinch flats and puncture flats, exponentially increase the comfort of your
bike, and dramatically improve how your bike corners and handles. All of this without making sacrifices in
rolling resistance!
My rule of thumb is "Fat as you can fit." |
I know you’re thinking, “Wow Scott, you’re a magician. You just made me faster and more comfortable.” But I’m just a tuba-playin’, blog-writin’,
music-lovin’ bike wrench that is trying to do his job. You’re welcome.
This really is a topic that deserves much more time and
space than I have given it here. So if
you are interested, stop in, see me, and we can discuss tires in all of their
wonderful fat glory.
For additional tire reading: